Google Adwords Management
Get more out of your PPC campaigns with our Google Adwords Management Professionals

We’ll strategize and setup a laser-targeted campaign with a specific goal in mind – whether that be capturing leads for your business, making sales, or creating quality traffic. Whatever your goals are, we can manage your Adwords campaign in a way that provides you the best traffic value for the money

Google is the largest, most-used search engine in the world. It has become such a normalized tool, so steeped in culture, that we literally use it as a verb to describe searching for anything – “I’ll Google that for you.”
Suffice it to say, with most people choosing Google as their primary source of information for, well – everything – it’s safe to say that it presents a huge amount of hyper-targeted traffic opportunities for your business.
If you’ve searched for anything on Google you’re no doubt familiar with the “sponsored” results that show up on the top and right side of your searches. These are Adwords campaigns. By targeting people who type in certain keyword phrases relating to your products or services, you are able to have your ads appear in the top of the search results (and in other areas too such as websites hosting “Adsense”).
Why You Need Google Ads Management
Better Traffic For Less Money
When it comes to any sort of PPC advertising, there is a huge amount of risk involved for people that don’t have a strong background in it. For those who have the money to lose on trial and error, learning Google Adwords for yourself could be worth it in the long run. However, if you want to get it right on the first try, you need a management team that has the experience and the time to do things correctly. Our Adwords management team has the years of experience and know-how to limit costs while increasing quality traffic for a desired result – whether that be capturing leads, making sales, or getting someone to contact your business for an evaluation.
Adjusting and Readjusting
It’s vital to keep a tight-eye on any Adwords campaign to ensure there is no over-spending going on. This involves constant adjustment and re-adjustment of campaigns – dropping ads that aren’t working, scaling up ads that are working, split testing ads with different copy, and generally testing/re-testing on a regular basis. This takes a lot of time and expertise.
In-depth Reporting
One of the worries of many new clients we have is that they won’t have any control over their Google Adwords campaign if we’re the ones managing it. The team here at Online Marketing Whiz wants to assure you that’s not the case. In fact, we make it a point to be incredibly transparent with our customers to ensure they know what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, and what the results of our efforts are. We do this by keeping you up to date with in-depth analytics reporting and always keeping ourselves on call to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Most of all, we want you to know what the bottom-line results of our campaigns are and how they are helping you reach your end goal -whatever that may be.
Ready to Get High-Quality Traffic With Google Adwords?

Online Marketing Expert